
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Unfinished Special Relativity Theory

Hardly anybody is aware that the special relativity theory is yet unfinished. The theory concerns the fundamentals namely space, time, energy, and matter which nature has puzzled people for thousands of years. The special relativity theory1,2 has classified and unified those fundamentals into two distinct entities: the spacetime and energy. The space and time are unified into a four-dimensional entity called the spacetime while the energy and matter into a single energy substance from which matter is derived, as expressed in Einstein famous equation E = mc2.

Most people consider that spacetime and energy are separate entities. The spacetime is like a sort of container and energy something that fills it. This often misled to the concept of empty spacetime devoid of energy. The spacetime and energy are inseparable just as the spherical form and water substance of a water drop to be. The spacetime is just the geometrical aspect of energy. In plain English, energy is a noun and the spacetime adjective. As a geometrical quality of energy, the spacetime has no existence on its own. Energy, on the other hand, is primordial, neither can be destroyed nor created, from which everything else is derived.

The dimensionality and polarity of energy

The dimensionality of the spacetime is just the reflection of the degree of freedom and the potency of energy as a whole. The higher the energy potency the bigger the number of the spacetime’s dimensions to be. This is the fact behind the existence of higher dimensional worlds which some advanced physical theories have revealed.

Under the special relativity, the energy as a whole is much more like a 4-dimensional ocean. What we know about energy in our daily life is only superficial. From this perspective, energy seems to have no existence on its own. It is only as a sort of a mathematical abstraction which indirectly known from its functional relationship to other physical variables or coordinates4.

Another important principle that the special relativity theory reveals is the polarity of the energy. The energy as a whole consists of positive and negative energies as expressed in the relativity energy equation E2 = m2c4+p2c2. Surprisingly, nobody has paid enough attention to this energy polarity, which in reality is the basic prerequisite of the creation of the universe.

Creation by Separation

The energy as a whole tends to separate into its positive and negative components. As they segregate from each other, a 3-interface (space) is created in between the two; analogous to the interface which exists between oil and water that we can observe in our daily life.

How do the two opposite energies split? The split is taking place gradually like a crack propagating across a glass sphere. As such the 3-interface is stretching out; the universe is expanding. The repulsive force of the opposite energies that stretches out the 3-interface (space) is the [external] energy that we call the dark energy. This is the creation theory that we put forward as an alternative against the Big-Bang theory.

Ephemeral Particles, Probabilistic and Non-Locality Features of Nature

The interplay between the positive and negative energies gives rise to quantum fields piercing through and igniting quantum-sparks (“quarks”) at the 3-interface analogous to the pixels appearing and disappearing at a gigantic plasma TV screen. This is the reality of the quanta, the ephemeral fundamental particles.

Fundamental particles are created and annihilated to and fro the energy in accordance with the energy equation E=mc2. There is no persistent fundamental particle exists in nature. What we perceive as a persistent particle in the macro realm is, in reality, the appearance of a series of different particles subsequently created and annihilated one after another. It is analogous to the flame of a candle which is never being the same entity at any different instant.

As such, there could be no continuity and deterministic feature of nature. Instead, the discontinuity and probabilistic are the normal features of nature which are the basic characteristic of quantum mechanics3. Another feature of the quantum mechanics, the non-locality, is nothing but the manifestation of the perpetual particles’ creations which are taking place simultaneously.

The Instant of Time, the Wave Motion of Particles, Rotating Universe

The perpetual creation and annihilation of particles give us an impression that time is running by. The rate of perpetual creation and annihilation is the underlying of the speed of light. The irreversibility of the process determines the direction of time.

The act of creation and annihilation does not take place in time but builds up time. If the fundamental particles were created permanently, there would be no instant of time. This is the mystery about the nature of time that puzzled humankind since the dawn of history.

What we perceived as a permanent particle moving forward is, in fact, a series of different particles subsequently appear and disappear, analogous to water wave motion in which individual water molecule doesn’t move forward but is only moving up and down. We may call this water “eter” (energy-water) in place of ether, the classical primordial substance.

The 3-dimensional interface between the two energies is dynamic. The repulsive opposite energies rotate the interface in the normal direction to its plane, the fourth dimension. This interface, the universal now, is not necessarily flat but curving here and there representing the local time. This space perpetually appears and disappears concurrently with the ephemeral particles which build it up.

Defying our common sense we should make up our mind that space is somewhat being built up from the particles instead of particles inhabiting a previously assigned spatial geometry. Roger Penrose5 remarkably described the Galilean dynamical concept of space in a similar way as the dynamical concept of ephemeral particles. He remarked that according to Galilean relativity:" the notation of the physical space seems to be of something that evaporates completely as one moment passes, and reappears as a completely different space as the next moment arrives.

There is no single space to be as an arena for actions of the physical world evolving with time; there is instead a different space for each moment in time, with no natural identification between the various spaces. There is no dynamical meaning to saying that a particular point in space is, or is not, the same point as some chosen point space at a later time. Every succeeding moment represents a new universe, similar to preceding (vaporized) universe, but also different."

Alas, Roger Penrose rejected such a beautiful dynamic picture of perpetual creation and annihilation of the ephemeral universe as a physical reality. By adding the feature of curved space to that dynamical space concept, it would become in total agreement with the ensemble relativity concepts from the time of Galileo up to modern physics.

The Flow of Time

We are unaware of those perpetual changes since the lap’s time of the individual sequence of creation and annihilation is at the order of 10-44 second - the Planck time unit, the smallest universal time unit that nature allows. This corresponds to the changes in spaces that take place at the speed of light. The ordering of time, the essential ingredient of the dynamical concept of time is exactly the appearance of underlying sequences of creation and annihilation that take place at the speed of light. When new particles come into existence it seems to us as the unformed future is transforming itself into the reality of now, and when they vanish it seems to us that the reality of now is dissolving out to the past.

This perpetual creation and annihilation are underlying the reality of the flow of time. The direction of the said electromagnetic waves and thus the irreversibility of the constant change and transformation sequences determine the direction of the time flow. This is the intrinsic phenomenon that explains why the speed of any given object in (three-dimensional) space cannot exceed the speed of light which is the basic foundation of the special relativity.

As stated in the foregoing because of the repulsive force of the positive-negative energies the 3-interface (space) is rotating in the direction normal to its surface (the fourth dimension). Roger Penrose5 strongly ruled out the closed time-like direction curves as unphysical for it will violate causality. We wish here to emphasize, however, that a rotating universe around a closed time-like direction does not necessarily violate causality and it is extremely plausible.

But one question is still open. If the universe does rotate around a closed time-like direction, then how could it be that nature allows time to go forward on one side of the universe while moving backward on the other side? The only explanation to this is that only matters are created on one side and antimatters are equally created on the other side of the universe as such that matters go forward in time on one side and antimatters move backward on the other side. The effect is that times will pass forward on both sides.

As we can see, the above elucidation answers altogether the mystery that long puzzled the physicist about the absence of antimatters in this corner of the universe where we are around and the possible existence of “dark” antimatters on the other remote side of the universe. The concept of the revolving universe seems to have been known since time immemorial as schematically depicted in the revolving globe of "yin and yang" that we are all familiar with but without understanding about the real meaning of it.

It is advisable to abandon once for all the futile debate about the time machine and with all due respects kindly put Stephen Hawking’s chronology protection6 devise in British Museum for there is no more worry about someone who wishes to travel back in time to kill his or her own grandmother.


1. Einstein, Albert et al.:” The Principle of Relativity Theory,” Dover Publication, Inc, New York, 1952

2. Einstein, Albert:” The Meaning of Relativity,” Princeton Science Library, New Jersey, edition 1988,

3. Herbert, Nick:" Quantum Reality," Anchor Books, New York, 1985

4. Abbott & Van Ness:" Thermodynamics," Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1967

5. Penrose, Roger:" The Road to Reality", Vintage, Random House, London, 2005

6. Hawking, Stephen:" The Future of Spacetime", W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 2002
