Our universe, as a system,
has multidimensional surroundings. We could imagine it as concentric worlds
consisting of 3D [ephemeral] material world at the innermost embedded
successively by the infinite number of surrounding [energetic] realms having
higher and higher dimensions. The grand relativity theory prevails in all of
those worlds except absolute (unlimited dimensional "world").
What most people mean by
the creation is, in fact, the split of something preexisting—an example from
the empirical reality of the rubbing of a glass rod with a piece of silk. The
two kinds of electrification i.e., the positive charge found on the glass rod
and an equal negative charge found on the silk, are not created by friction but
are only separated.
This kind of split
mechanism is what happened in the grand formations of those relative
multidimensional worlds. As the energy of a particular world, say nD-world,
splits into its positive and negative parts b), an (n-1)D-hypersurface c)
is formed between the two. This kind of splits (spontaneous symmetry breaking)
happened successively from the highest dimensional world to the lowest.
At the lowest level, where
the split of 4D-world creates a 3D-hypersurface (our 3D-space), at this particular
place, the 4D-energy transformed into 3D-matter d). Without such
separation, the 4D-world would still have undistinguishable dimensions. In such
a world, there could be neither present, past nor the future. It is only after
the split that space and time are taking place e).
Mainstream physicists have
wrongly taken such a world (unsplit spacetime), as representing the real world.
No wonder Einstein was uncomfortable as the experience of the Now was beyond
the reach of the realm of science. Had he known the cause of the problem, he
would reconcile his relativity theory with that of quantum.
Without split, there would
be neither space nor matter f). Matter can only be created and
presents in the 3D-hypersurface, not throughout the whole spacetime. The gravity
constant (G), one of the fundamental constants in nature, is a sort of
hypersurface‘s "interfacial tension." Therefore, the gravity is
acting only across the hypersurface, not out of it as what the brane theory
Physicists were perplexed
when the superstring theory demands the multidimensionality of spacetime. They
postulated that the extra-dimensions are curly as they refuted the existence of
vast and extended multidimensional worlds beyond our conventional 4D-world.
They don't want to believe that such extra-dimensions could be temporal as it
would lead them to an extremely complicated situation. Nature, alas, has
nothing to do with what physicists presume.
The grand relativity
theory, however, is coming to secure the problem. It holds that the relativity
of the space and time prevails in all of those worlds. The law of physics is
invariant under the transformation of space and time no matter how many
dimensions a particular world possesses g).
a) The multidimensionality of those worlds is nothing but the
geometrical manifestation of a spectrum of energies having a different
number of dimensions. This gigantic spectrum of cosmic energies is like a
spectrum of lights having different frequencies, forming a colorless white
light when in a mixture.
b) The symmetry is not a mere aesthetic aspect of nature but a
derivative of the conservation law. The
opposite pairing of every existence in nature is one of its logical
consequences. The energy is no exception; it inherently consists of positive
and negative energy as the relative energy equation E2 = m2c4 +
p2c2 indicates. Surprisingly, most physicists are against
such a premise.
In the superstring theory, such a hypersurface is called brane,
which could have many dimensions.
Biblical Genesis calls it firmament (raqia in Hebrew)
embedded between water above and water below. The term of water in this
biblical account, undoubtedly referred to as energy. We should notice, however, that in the real world, no surface (including
higher-dimensional hypersurface) configuration has a zero thickness
(mathematical surface), which most physicists use in their theory. This
oversight leads physicists to many annoyance infinity problems. The minimum
thickness that nature allows is 10-33 cm, the Planck distance, below
which space and time have no meaning. It is where the quantum phenomenon
mingles with the relativity world.
d) Following the energy equation, E=mc2. The interactions between the positive and negative
energy across through the hypersurface make such transformation appears as
reversible. Matters and the hypersurface they abode are created and annihilated
back and forth into energy at the rate equal to the speed of light. This weird
phenomenon perpetually occurs at such a short time, and distance makes people
perplex when they stumble upon the quantum realm.
e) Space is the [4D]-time smallest unit, just like a point as the
smallest part of a line or a surface as a small part of the space.
f) There was yet no space where matter could exist, and no time where
the dynamic action might occur. It was only after the split of such a chaotic
world that the order established. Such as the basic principle of most of the
ancient creation of mythology around the globe.
g) For example, a system consisting of 3D-space embedded in 10D-world
has the same physical law as that of 9D-space embedded in the same 10D-world.
The latter world model represents better than the former as it is more
uncomplicated and more comfortable to be resolved.