
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Grand Postulates

After more than 100 years of the relativity and quantum theories establishment, physicists are still unsure about the nature of the world we live in. One of the big pictures that mainstream physicists have adopted is the expanding 4-dimensional world surrounded by nothingness. Anything beyond that configuration such as 10-dimensional environment put forward by the superstring theory, for example, is considered as unphysical except that the extra-dimensions are assumed to curl up into tiny loops leaving the 4-dimensionality of the spacetime intact.

The grand relativity theory that we try to establish, on the other hand, takes into account the whole grand cosmos realm consisting of “concentric” quantum worlds, each of which is successively embedded and rotating within the other from the smallest dimensional world to the highest dimensional one (could be close to infinite) that nature imposes as a limit. The grand cosmos is like gigantic quantum clockwork in which each rotating wheel perpetually appears and disappears at different rhythms from one to the other.

The building blocks of such grand cosmos from the smallest to the highest world successively are [3-dimensional] energy (E), 4-dimensional energy or action (Et1), 5-dimensional higher energy (Et1t2) and so on. … up to n-dimensional highest energy (Et1t2 … tn), where t1, t2 … tn are the respective time of the individual world.

The following are the postulates that the Grand Relativity Theory heavily depends upon:

Postulate 1: The eon, the ocean of action, is the primordial substance of which the spacetime is its geometrical aspect.

The turn of the 20th century was marked by Max Planck accidental discovery revealing the reality that nobody was aware. The discovery is far-reaching; in a nutshell, the world is nothing but made up of action, by action, and for action to be manifested.

The world is not made up of fundamental "solid" particles, as most people think since they are in verity ephemeral. The right unyielding building blocks of the universe are the 4-dimensional quanta of action a), discrete union of energy and time (Et), known as Planck's constant (h). The world may be depicted as a sort of vast 4-dimensional ocean in which the quanta are its 4-dimensional tiny water molecules.

It is precisely the argument that Wilhelm Ostwald, the leader of the energeticists, should possess to counter his fierce opponents, the materialists. Ostwald (1891) developed a monistic energetics that granted the status of reality only to energy. For him, matter no longer constituted an independent reality but became a mere energy derivative.

The aforementioned configuration of the world is complete when one puts the Minkowski discovery in the whole picture in which the 4-dimensional spacetime, the union of space and time geometrizes the vast ocean of energy (action). The discoveries of Planck (1900) and Minkowski (1908) revealed two different aspects of the same reality: the ocean of action as the real primeval substance and the spacetime as the geometrical aspect of the ocean.

For the sake of giving a better perception of its tangibility, we coin this ocean of action, "eon", a traditional term for timeless undifferentiated epoch b).

Postulate 2: The duality of eon gradually differentiates space and time and makes the hypersurface expanding.

In the relativist world, there is virtually no creation but separation. Nature tends to break down the unity into duality, and duality into plurality c). Albeit of its apparent unity, the eon is no exception. It bears duality which tends to split itself into the opposites - its positive and negative parts d).

Intrinsically the eon is homogeneous and isotropic reflected by the symmetry of its related spacetime.  As such, the spacetime's dimensions are completely equivalent e). There is yet no differentiation between temporal and spatial dimensions, not mention the existence of matter. We may refer to such a world as a first order, the transcendent reality. The mainstream physicists misinterpret this [unsplit] world as the real world, leading to the crisis that the physics now bears.

Once the duality comes into actuality, the eon gradually segregates into its positive and negative parts. This kind of incident is coined as spontaneous symmetry breaking. We may refer to such a world of separation as a secondary order, the immanent reality. This act of separation naturally creates in between the opposites a hypersurface f) of one dimension lower than that of the ambient spacetime.  The gradual segregation of the opposing eons enlarges the area of the hypersurface, the phenomenon that makes our universe expanding g).

Across through the hypersurface, the eon (Et) splits into a 3-dimensional "surface" energy (E) and time (t), the latter is reflected as a temporal dimension which direction is normal to the hypersurface. The surface energy h), a sort of 3-dimensional “interfacial tension” which makes the hypersurface tenser and keeps it from tearing apart is intimately related to what we know as gravitational constant (G). The dimensions along the hypersurface which are more tangible than those normal to it are classified as spatial dimensions i).

The hypersurface may be curved locally or globally depending on the distribution of energy and matter therein as what the general relativity theory asserts.

Postulate 3: Time is the manifestation of the appearance and disappearance of the hypersurface.

The hypersurface as a real entity has non-zero thickness but extremely small to the extent that below, everything will disappear into thin air.  The lower limit that nature allows is the Planck distance of 10-33 cm equivalent to the Planck time, 10-44 second j). At around this particular thickness, however, the hypersurface is extremely unstable and barely exists, it perpetually appears and disappears to and fro energy k).

This hypersurface's thickness represents what we experience as the duration of the [microscopic] now. It is the perpetual presence and absence of the space that makes up time. When space disappears the now becoming the past, when reappears the future becoming the now.

As such, the time travel that some physicists believe on is just wishful thinking. There is absolutely no need for the natural chronological protection that Stephen Hawking vaguely talked about.

Postulate 4: The interplay of the opposing eons across through the hypersurface generates [ephemeral] matter.

The interaction of the two opposing eons generates quantum fields that go through the hypersurface which in turn generating quantum sparks (matters) on it which perpetually appear and disappear together with the hypersurface at the pace equal to the speed of light (c). The sparks which appear at the surface facing the positive eon (the past side) are matters while those facing the negative eon (the future side) antimatters.

Matter and [3-dimensional] energy as we used to know are superficial, a mere projection of higher dimensional eons onto our [three-dimensional] world. The space and matter in one moment are never the same things as one moment before or after. The abode of a quantum object is the whole universe; it might be everywhere and not necessarily stays at or close to its former location. It is the underlying reality that makes the quantum realm seem so bizarre.

The continuity of the passage of time we see in nature is not as what it seems to be. The series of hypersurface is like series of snapshot pictures put on a film, each of which is separated from one to another by a gap of non-existence, rolled up at the speed of light, the maximum speed that nature allows, to make sort of large motion picture.

Postulate 5: The brief existence and non-existence of the hypersurface create locality and nonlocality orders.

The cosmos is made up by a series of existence and nonexistence alternately taking place at the rhythm equal to the speed of light. The appearance of the space together with everything it contains is what we call the present time, in which the locality order prevails. Its disappearance promptly follows it into nonexistence which we call the past. In this gap of nonexistence, all become united and entangled in which the non-locality implies.

The perpetual creation and annihilation fashions alternately the locality and non-locality orders l). The gross sum of the alternating contribution of local-nonlocal order is mathematically described by the wavefunction. As the quantum measurement can only gauge the local order and not the complete series of local-nonlocal orders, it gives us a perception as though the act of measurement collapses the wavefunction.

Postulate 6: The dynamic movements of the opposing eons make space rotate in various directions.

There are several possible rotations of the hypersurface along different axis driven by the opposite movements of the eons at either sides of the hypersurface. The rotation of the hypersurface about the axis lying along the surface determines the direction of time. The other kind of hypersurface's rotation about the axis normal to its surface causes everything within rotates accordingly, from the smallest quantum objects up to the large objects such as solar system, galaxies, cluster of galaxies, and so on.

Postulate 7:  Aeons do exist in different degrees of potencies reflected by Spacetime’s different number of dimensions.

In deeper reality, eon is more tangible than people think, if not having a higher degree of existence.  Aeon is, in reality, a sort of ocean of higher energy in which human are like fishes swimming around but unaware about the water they immerse. The degree of freedom that the fishes enjoy reflected by the ocean's dimensions shows the grandeur of the ocean. Analogously, the eon's potency is reflected by the dimensions of its related spacetime.

Modern theories show that the world may have a high number of dimensions; thus, the existence of eons of various dimensions and potencies. In the grander cosmic level, eon as a whole constitutes a broad spectrum of different degrees of potencies which are reflected by the dimensions of its related spacetime.

The ensemble of those worlds, the grand cosmos, can be described in term of their respective positive and negative (frequency) eons. At the lowest level, we have 3-dimensional [surface] energy (E). At higher levels, we have successively 4-dimensional eon (Et1), 5-dimensional eon (Et1)t2, 6-dimensional eon (Et1t2)t3 and so on, which ultimately we have n-dimensional eon (Et1t2t3 … tn-1)tn where t1, t2, t3, … tn are the corresponding time of each eon. Time is not the only one of its kind; each eon does have its own particular time.

The ensemble of positive (frequency) aeons:
F+ = Et1 + Et1t2 + Et1t2t3+ ….. Et1t2t3 ... tn
As those multiverses have their own speed of [multidimensional] light c1, c2, c3 ….cn, then we may express t1 = i µ1 c1t1, t2 = j µ2 c1t1, t3 = k, … µ3 c1t1… tn = w µnc1t1,
where µp = cp / c1 , the relative speed of the higher-dimensional light, in which
p = 1,2…….n, and  i,j,k…..w are imaginary numbers.
For the sake of simplicity we just write c1 as c and t1 as t:
F+ = iµ1cEt + ij (µ1µ2) cEt2 + ijk (µ1µ2µ3) cEt3+ …..ijk..w (µ1µ2µ 3 … µn) cEtn
F+ = a1 Et + a2 Et2 + a3 Et3+ …..anEtn
where a1 = 1c, a2 = ij (µ1µ2) c, a3 = ijk (µ1µ2µ3) c, an = ijk..w (µ1µ2µ 3 … µn) c
Similarly the ensemble of negative (frequency) aeons:
F- = a -1 Et-1 + a -2Et-2 + a -3Et-3+ …..a-n Et-n
The totality of aeons within the grand cosmos g):
F = F- + E+ F+

which is nothing but the formulation of Laurent series which can be holomorphically mapped as Riemann sphere with its respective annulus of convergence.

This Riemann sphere represents the reality faithfully. Its annulus of convergence indicates that nature abhors the singularity and infinity. The Big Bang and the black hole theories which heavily rely on the possible existence of such singularity may be unphysical. Likewise, the universe is forbidden to expand forever to infinity. At certai point in the future as the world becomes extremely unstable, it would be broken apart … the doomsday.

Postulate 8:  The spontaneous spacetime symmetry breaking takes place successively from the eon of highest potency to that of the lowest one.

Within the grand cosmos' realm, there exists a spectrum of eons of different degrees of potencies associated with spacetimes of different dimensions. Each of those eons bears duality which eventually makes it split itself into its opposite, the positive and negative parts. The split up of the eon together with its related spacetime takes place successively beginning from the highest potency eon to the lowest one m). The first split engenders a hypersurface of one dimension lower than its ambient spacetime. This new hypersurface, in turn,  splits in two bringing about in between the second generation of a hypersurface of one dimension lower than the former. This process continues until the last [4-dimensional] spacetime splits in two, generating the familiar 3-dimensional space in between.

The whole grand cosmos, thus, consists of "concentric" quantum worlds, each of which is successively embedded and rotating within the other from the smallest dimensional world to the highest one that nature imposes as a limit. The grand cosmos is like gigantic quantum clockwork in which each rotating wheel perpetually appears and disappears at different rhythms.

Postulate 9: The dimensions of eon determine the capability to store and process information, the degree of consciousness and intelligence contained therein.

The potency which is the capability to generate power is not the only feature of energy. There is another aspect of energy (eon) which hardly anybody is touching namely the capability to store and process the information. The potency and information are two sides of the same coin.

In the process of creation and annihilation of the hypersurface and all, it contains, even though there is a gap of nothingness between the two consecutive appearances of the universe, the order in macroscopic level is rigorously maintained. The form and shape of macroscopic bodies appear to be the same as today and tomorrow and never randomly change to another.

It implies that energy which survives throughout the whole series of creation and annihilation should possess a sort of information that it carries and processes along the course. At the quantum level, energy (eon) performs like small processing units integrated at macroscopic level as a gigantic supercomputer which capable to process the information at the speed of light n).

The natural capability to store and process the information, in psychic terms, is called awareness. At a higher degree, we may call it consciousness and intelligence. The higher the dimensions of energy are the higher the degree of its consciousness and intelligence will be. The [four-dimensional] energy which is intimately related to matter possesses the lowest degree of awareness. Those related to plant, animal, and human possess higher and higher dimensions, thus, higher capacity and capability in carrying and processing the information.

Plants and animals might evolve for the better, but this evolution cannot pass through the barrier of their own energy dimensionality. There is no missing link between the plant and animal kingdoms and between the latter with that of human, just because there are no links between them. Darwin's evolution theory is correct but within the corridor of the respective kingdom.

The grand cosmos in its entirety possesses by itself the highest degree of consciousness and intelligence.


a.  The quanta of action (Et) is more substance-like than just a physical number. Einstein equation of energy E = mc2 shows that energy and matter which is real substance, are in equal footing. The quanta of action are frequently coined as quanta of energy. We use them interchangeably.
b. The term eon or eon has been classically used to describe the timeless undifferentiated epoch, the eternity. We use to refer to this eon as a higher form of energy. We use the notion of the eon, ocean of action and ocean of higher energy interchangeably. The energy as we know it in daily life is 3-dimensional, it is superficial, the projection of higher 4-dimensional eon. No wonder for most people energy is somewhat an abstract thing that has no existence apart of its functional relationship to others that do have a physical interpretation. The potential energy and kinetic energy are some of the examples.
c.    Entropy has the direction of the transformation toward high disorder, which is irreversible.
d.    Everything around us, tangible or intangible exists in pair either in reality or potentiality. The eon is no exception. We use the term spontaneous symmetry breaking to illustrate the manifestation of this duality's potentiality into reality. The duality of the eon is indirectly indicated by that of energy, its lower form, implicitly expressed in the relativist energy equation E2 = m2c4 + p2c2.
e. Einstein had thought otherwise: "…The non-divisibility of the four-dimensional continuum of events does not at all, however, involve the equivalence of the space coordinates with the time coordinate. On the contrary, we must remember that the time coordinate is defined physically wholly differently from the space coordinates." Einstein was confused and gave us a faulty circle reasoning 1.
f.  The hypersurface, hyper-interface, and space are used interchangeably.  When describing higher dimensional one, we use the notation n-hypersurface, n-hyper-interface or n-space, where n indicates the number of its dimensions.
g.    This premise diametrically against the Big Bang theory, which stands for the expanding universe caused by a "big" primeval quantum explosion coming out of nothingness.
h. Such 3-dimensional surface energy is distributed over the area of the hypersurface. Let to itself; surface energy reduces to a minimum in a way analogous to a drop of water which takes up the shape of a sphere, for a sphere has for its volume the smallest area of the surface. In the case of a 3-dimensional hypersurface embedded in between the opposing 4-dimensional eons, the corresponding interfacial tension is intimately correlated to the gravitational constant (G).
i.     It is the reason why we perceive the spatial dimension as real and temporal dimension(s) imaginary.
j.  Within the short life of the hypersurface, the superficial energy can only traverse following the circumference of the circular movement across the thickness (cross-section) of the hypersurface. This circumference (spin) is equal to Planck constant (h), which is equal to 2piħ where 2ħ is the hypersurface cross-section.
k.    Penrose 2 referred such condition to Galilean dynamics which he considered as outlandish.
l.     It is commonly known as explicate-implicate orders.
m. After the split, the world (eon)'s temperature becomes lower than before when the eon's opposing parts still mingle together. The lower the dimensions of its related spacetime is, the lower the temperature of the world (eon) will be, reflected by the value of its respective Boltzmann constant, kB. Each world is, therefore, characterized by the universal constants: ci, hi, Gi and kBi, where i denotes the indices representing the individual worlds.
n. The appearance and disappearance of matter to and fro energy might function as natural binary digits which are the basis of quantum computation. It opens to a new era of information technology. Some physicists seriously consider the possibility to tap and wangle this quantum processing which will radically change, one way or another, the conventional methods of information processing.


1. Einstein, A.:" The Meaning of Relativity," Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1988, p. 31.
2.    Penrose, R.:" The Road to Reality," Vintage Books, London, 2004, p. 387.
