
Friday, October 28, 2011

What is life? The Energy and Consciousness

Energy is widely used in our daily life and fundamentally termed in physics, and yet hardly anybody knows its actual reality. It becomes more and more evident that energy is the bedrock of all reality dethroning matter from its prestigious position.
The materialistic idea which depends on the premise that the world consisted of matters complying with locality and the deterministic laws, was no longer capable of sustaining the radical development of modern physics.
Quantum mechanics reduces the concept of matter as a tangible and persistent thing into that of ephemeral stuff perpetually appears and disappears out of and into energy. The existence of matter is intermittent in which a gap of non-existence separates two successive existences.

As such, the state of incoming existence would become the successor of that of the previous existence if and only if there is a transfer of information from the previous to the next existence a). The information transfer across the gap of non-existence could only be carried out by the energy; the only medium presents in such non-existence (Figure-1).
The energy has, therefore, an inherent capability to register, store and process the information. In metaphysical term, we may refer such capability to what we recognize as awareness or consciousness. The higher the number of energy dimensions the higher the degree of consciousness would be b). The energy and consciousness are two different sides of the same coin.
The physics is barely capable of revealing the nature of energy as the peak of the multi-layered "iceberg." The deeper realities underlie the energy are successively information, consciousness, and intelligence. The totality of those, the most profound reality of all, is the life itself in its grandest and absolute existence (Figure-2).

Most scientists regard the existence of life, consciousness, and intelligence as an accidental evolutionary process which occurred merely by chance. On the contrary, the life, consciousness, and intelligence are the essential aspect of the existence just as fundamental as the attributes of energy-matter and space-time, forming with them an interdependent process of ongoing creation that has resulted in our present universe 1.
The future research of physics would undoubtedly be able to cross the boundary known as the domain of metaphysics. The nature of the information which is another aspect of the energy is now about within reach of physicists. Some of them are now researching the development of the quantum computer. Later on, hoped that they would also be able to reveal the underlying reality of consciousness, intelligence and ultimately the life itself.
a.  At the quantum level, the information mentioned above might be decoded as a [quantum] bit of the alternation of the creation and annihilation of fundamental particles forming a combination of 1 (creation) and 0 (annihilation). It could be the underlying dynamic mechanism on how the universe works like a large digital computer.
Every elementary particle, atom, molecule and all physical systems register bits of information. Every interaction between parts of the universe processes the information by altering those bits. They evolve in time by continuously transforming and processing the information that makes up the dynamical evolution of the universe 2.
b.  We may subdivide the supra-universal consciousness into but not limited to earthly four distinct degrees of consciousness. The material kingdom corresponds to the lowest degree of consciousness or practically none (4D-energy), successively followed by floral (5D-energy?), faunal (6D-energy?) and human at the top which exclusively has the faculty to increase their degree of consciousness (from 7D up to 10D-energy?).
The Kingdoms of matter, flora, and fauna, each may have many varieties of forms evolving from a very simple to the most sophisticated one, but cannot increase their degree of consciousness across and beyond the boundary of their kingdom. The most sophisticated animal (6D), an ape for example, undoubtedly cannot evolve to become a human being (7D or higher) albeit the resemblance of their physical body.
Darwin regarded human as having an origin from an ancestor of ape-like to be placed in the same group with the existing great apes. For him, the man could no longer be regarded as having a special status in the Creation but was merely the representative of one among many Families of the order Primates in the class Mammalian 3.
Moreover, the theory still misses the evidence linking the two kingdoms. There is, apparently, no such a missing link between the two as there is just no link at all.

1. Blomquist, R.: "Integrated Theory of Intelligence," http://www.Supra
2.        Lloyd, S.: "Programming the Universe," Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2006, p. xi.
3.        Darwin, C.:" On the Origin of Species," A Mentor Book, New York, 1958.Bottom of Form


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