
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Superstring Theory and the Seven Heavens

The superstring theory indicates for the first time the existence of multidimensional universes. It is supposed to be able to provide a comprehensive explanation of all known physical phenomena and answers the questions that the Big Bang theory cannot do: What happened before the creation (Big Bang)? Why did the universe explode?

 According to the superstring theory the universe initially existed in ten dimensions. However, because the ten-dimensional universe was unstable a), it creaked into two pieces, i.e. a four- and a six-dimensional universe 1. The ordinary four dimensions well extended while the other six extra dimensions shrunk and curled to an incredibly small size (10-33 cm), the reason why humans can not reach it.

Most physicists have deeply penetrated the mathematical aspect of the theory, but when come to translate it into physical reality it happened that they did it very lightly and carelessly. How come that a ten-dimensional body can be split in two to get a four- and a six-dimensional body? Surprisingly, nobody challenges and fixes such a bizarre idea. The perturbation theory, or whatever theory it is, would certainly fail to break a ten-dimensional body down to a four- and a six-dimensional body.

Let take an example of a three-dimensional body, say a cube of cheese. If we split it in two, indeed we did not get a thin piece of cheese and a fiber-like cheese (Figure-1A). In order to get a fiber-like form, we should make a series of slices; the first slices produce thin pieces of cheese, and the subsequent slices produce fibers of cheese (Figure-1B).

Now, how do we get a four-dimensional universe from the original ten-dimensional one? As the string theory postulated, the original ten-dimensional universe was so unstable that it broke in two parts. However, instead of creating one four- and one six-dimensional universe, a nine-dimensional universe was created in between the two separated parts of the original universe b). A series of subsequent splits took place successively in a similar way from higher down to the lower-dimensional universe.

In the end, we have a total of seven universes c), the one embedding the other in a successive lowering order of their dimensions.  As such, there is a ten-dimensional universe at the outermost embedding nine-dimensional one, the later embedding eight-dimensional one and so forth. At the end of the series we get the four-dimensional universe embedding a rotating ephemeral three-dimensional space, where we live in, perpetually appearing and disappearing across it (Figure-2) d).

Each universe contains the qualities and interactions of the one above, so that each descending level of the universe is in turn under more laws, more complex, and having much more varieties of kinds of stuff. It is the underlying purpose of the grand unification which hardly any physicist is aware. Regressing such cosmic creation process to the original condition of the ten-dimensional universe would give us a much simple physical law with fewer quantum kinds of stuff in it e).

Why, then, we cannot directly experience these extra higher-dimensional worlds? Just because the extra dimensions are temporal, not curly spatial dimensions as what the superstring theory hypothesizes. Each universe has its owned light f) with its corresponding speed (ci), Planck constant (hi) and gravity constant (Gi), depending on the degree of its dimensions.

The brane theory, as the extension of the superstring theory, should be adjusted accordingly. We better regard a brane as an interface lies between two [liquid-like] bodies, instead of a piece of paper floating in thin air. The brane’s dimensions which extend along its surface are spatial and off of it temporal.

The gravity fields propagate along the surface of the brane and not in the direction off of it as the brane theorists hypothesize 2. We should, therefore, regard parallel branes as two sides of the same brane; otherwise, they coexist in different time which is absurd.

a)    The superstring theory cannot elaborate on the reason why such a universe is inherently unstable. The bold answer to that is that the energy intrinsically consists of the opposites, the positive and negative energy. These two parts tend to segregate arousing [rotational] opposite motions within and eventually the universe creaks into two pieces.
b)  We may easily imagine this phenomenon as a separation of oil and water creating an interface in between. However, instead of three-dimensional, we have here ten-dimensional oil-water system.
c)    The ancient term of such worlds was the seven heavens
d)    The knowledge of such cosmic structure has been known since the antiquity but degraded as time evolves to become just that of the planetary orbits of our solar system. The conflicting misinterpretation of such gigantic macro-cosmic concept, which was beyond both the church and Galileo's imagination, had tragically taken Galileo's life.
e)   Peter Freund, one of the pioneers, worked in multidimensional space, even though he did not know about the geometrical structure of such worlds, accurately stated that the laws of nature become simpler and elegant when formulated in higher dimensions.
f)    In the ancient relative term: light upon lights.

1. Kaku, M.:" Hyperspace," Anchor Books, Doubleday, New York, 1994, p. 195, 207.
2. Randall, L.:" Warped Passage," Harp


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