We are used to perceiving matter as a tangible thing, however small it is. We believe that when we divide a chunk of matter into its smaller parts we will eventually unable to divide them any further. The classical reason for this is because they have no more internal structure to be split.
We have taken for granted that the smallest particle is persistent, continuously at rest or moving around in space, just like an ordinary billiard ball. This continuity and deterministic features of nature hold not only as the foundation of the classical but the relativity theory as well.
The quantum theory which mostly deducted from experiments holds the contrary. To take into account this paradox, we put forward a new paradigm: “when we divide a chunk of matter into its smaller parts we will eventually unable to divide them any further because they are so small and extremely unstable that they immediately disappear into "thin air".
The smallest part of matter, the fundamental particle" is ephemeral. The persistence of a particle in the macro realm is nothing but the appearance of the perpetual creation and annihilation of fundamental particles. In the deepest level of reality (Planck distance) matter is created and annihilated to and fro energy, in accordance with the famous Einstein’s equation E = mc2. This is the underlying reality of the discontinuity and probabilistic features of the quantum realm.
The Energy and its Polarity
The special relativity theory concerns the fundamentals namely space, time, energy, and matter which basic nature has puzzled people for thousands of years. The special relativity theory has classified and unified those fundamentals into two distinct entities: the spacetime and energy. The space and time have been unified into a four-dimensional entity called the spacetime while the energy and matter into a single energy substance from which matter is derived, as expressed in the equation E = mc2.
And the special relativity theory ends here. People presume that the spacetime is like a container and energy something that fills it. This may lead to the misconception that the spacetime could be empty devoid of energy. Once again a new paradigm shift is called for:” The spacetime and energy are inseparable just as the spherical form and water substance in a water drop to be. The spacetime is just the geometrical aspect of energy. Contrary to what Minkowski presumed, spacetime does have no existence on its own.
Now, here we have energy as the one and only independent reality in nature from which everything else is derived. It is primordial; neither can be destroyed nor created, the only existence in nature. Another important aspect of energy is its dimensions. The spacetime’s dimensions are just the reflection of the degree of freedom and the potency of energy. The higher the energy potency the bigger the number of the spacetime’s dimensions to be. This is the fact behind the existence of higher dimensional worlds which some physical theories have revealed. Under the special relativity theory, as the spacetime is four-dimensional the energy is four-dimensional accordingly.
Another important principle that the special relativity theory reveals is polarity energy. The energy as a whole consists of positive and negative energies as expressed in the relativity energy equation E2 = m2c4+p2c2. Surprisingly, nobody has paid enough attention to this energy polarity, which in reality is the basic prerequisite of the creation of the universe.
Creation by Separation
The energy as a whole tends to separate into its positive and negative components. As they segregate from each other, a hyper-interface is created in between the two; analogous to the interface between oil and water that we can observe in our daily life. As the energy and its opposite substances are 4-dimensional, this hyper-interface is 3-dimensional (space).
How do the two opposite energies split? The split does not take place instantaneously across the whole spacetime, but gradually stretching out across the spacetime just like a crack propagating in the middle of a glass sphere. This represents the expanding universe as an alternative against the Big-Bang theory. The repulsive force of the opposite energies that stretches out the 3-interface (space) is the external energy that we call the dark energy.
Probabilistic and Non-Locality Features of Nature
The interplay between the positive and negative energies gives rise to quantum fields piercing through and igniting quantum-sparks (“quarks”) at the 3-interface analogous to the pixels appearing and disappearing at a gigantic plasma TV screen. This is the deepest reality of fundamental particles.
Quanta are created and annihilated to and fro the energy in accordance with the energy equation E=mc2. There is no persistent fundamental particle exists in nature. What we perceive as a persistent particle in the macro realm is, in reality, the appearance of a series of different particles subsequently created and annihilated one after another. It is analogous to the flame of a candle which is never the same and always being different entities at any instant.
This is the underlying reality of the discontinuity and probabilistic features of quantum mechanics. Another important feature, the non-locality, is nothing but the manifestation of the perpetual particles’ creations which are taking place simultaneously.
Herbert, Nick:" Quantum Reality," Anchor Books, New York, 1985
Ridley B.K.: "Time, Space and Things," Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002
Multidimensional worlds:http://multidimensionalworlds.com/